Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The 'Blind as a Peacock' Line!

In general creating a new line of jewelry after the holidays can be a bit daunting. After having spent about 8 weeks feeling like one of Santa's most diligent elves it seems that the creative muse up and leaves for some R&R at a spa and I'm not invited. But alas, the sparkly trinkets still need to be made and I'm the only one left in the workshop! Searching for inspiration I turned to Mother Nature, per usual, cuz she has way better taste than I do, and my eyes settled upon a peacock feather. Perfect, I thought, my colors are chosen for me. Then I began to create. After a couple of pieces I started to become a bit dubious of what I was making and wondered if I had jinxed myself naming the line after a peacock given the old adage, 'Blind as a Peacock'. But then Little Miss Muse, apparently refreshed from her colonics and chemical peels, decided to grace me with her presence. Upon her return she 'Dope Slapped' me in the head and reminded me that it's 'Blind as a Bat' not 'Peacock' ya ding-dong. (She actually said that!) Oh that saucy minx of a muse gave me some lovely ideas and now yes indeed we are both 'Proud as Peacocks'!

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